Monday, August 3, 2009

The Beginning

I have finally decided to blog! I have avoided it for so long and have had many excuses. Mostly it has been lack of time or maybe "the excuse" of not having enough time. I have always considered myself a political junkie of sorts. I like both the politics and understanding policy. I spend so much time and energy on studying both these topics and decided it was about time to write down my thoughts.

My interest in politics started young. Ever since I was a teenager my father and I always talked and debated politics. He was a small business owner, before retiring recently, and more often than not he held the conservative position. This is especially true when it came to taxes and social issues. I, on the other hand, was always more socially liberal and though fiscally conservative not to the degree of my father.

Recently I have been thinking more about how I would politically describe myself. I have always thought of myself an independent. Liberal on some issues, conservatives on others and yet sometimes a moderate on others. In some cases I am a moderate simply because it is more of a compromise position between the two sides.

My first three votes cast in Presidential elections were for Reagan, Bush Sr and Ross Perot. Back then I considered fiscal responsibility more important than social liberal issues. After Clinton's first term it was becoming obvious to me that the GOP was changing and for the worse. It started with Newt Gingrich the new GOP house leader in 1994. The vitriol in politics has reached a new level I have never seen before and to this day I believe its genesis was the Republican revolution of 94.

With the passing of political figures like Tom Delay and G.W. Bush I realize I am further from the GOP than I have ever been. So much so that I have been rethinking how I describe myself politically. Instead of socially liberal and fiscally conservative I am now considering myself socially liberal and fiscally pragmatic. First, I don't think conservatives really are fiscally responsible. This is just a marketing term they throw around. They are only "fiscally responsbile" when there is a Democratic President in the White House. Secondly, there is a right time for government spending. To me that is when spending now will save us money in the long run or when temporary spending can have a long term social benefit.

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