Wednesday, August 5, 2009

AARP debunks myths

I ran across this and thought it was interesting that even though AARP has not taken an official position either way on the still unfinished bill in congress that they are trying to clear up the facts/myths on the issue of health care.

I have had someone that questioned the credibility of the link. You can find it is on the AARP home page as well. and click "Myths vs Facts on health care".

Update: I have read on other blogs that AARP has opposed true single payer. This would make sense since they are in tight with United Health Care but I can't speak to that specifically since I haven't seen evidence that they opposed single payer. For now, based on what we have in the bill (even if AARP was part of watering down single payer) it seems AARP is trying to calm fears of the bill working its way through congress.

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